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Messages of subject "-Xbootclasspath/a:" inside a java class.


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Member since : Oct 28, 2003
Messages : 1
 Oct 28, 2003 at 4:00 PM
Hi to all.

I need to know if there's any form to use "-Xboot..." without command line "java .... -Xbootclasspath/a:<path_to:pja.jar>...".

I try to explain my situation:

I'm a PHP Webmaster and I'm working in a report system for my pages, and I'm using jasperreports that are java classes to create pdf's. The problem is that the jasperreports need awt and I'm using Linux but PHP not use X11 (and in this place appears PJA :-) ). In this moment I run my Java classes to create the pdf's but I don't want to use command line "java...-Xbootclasspath/a:<path_to:pja.jar>...." because in using the classes inside the php code. How can I do that?.

Thanks a lot.

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