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Messages of subject Working with PJA in WebSphere Application Server V5.0


Location : Iowa City, Iowa, U.S.A.
Member since : May 13, 2003
Messages : 4
 May 13, 2003 at 1:42 AM
Our project has been using PJA 2.4 in IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Version 3.5.6. I have recently migrated the project to WAS Version 5.0 on Solaris 9. I'd like to share with you my experience with regards to making PJA work in WAS V5.0.

When I tried to place pja.jar to the bootclasspath, the classloader could not find the servlet package. In WAS V3.5.6, we were able to put the servlet.jar to the bootclasspath to make it work. But in WAS V5.0, all j2ee classes such as servlets, ejb, mail, etc are zipped in one jar file j2ee.jar. If I placed it to the bootclasspath, the server would fail to initialize due to stricter security policies or linking errors. In WAS V5.0, most server runtime classes are loaded in a WAS extension classloader that is a child of the Java system classloaders. To resolve this, I recompiled the pja source codes and packaged the class files into three jar files:

pja.jar - core pja files
pjatools.jar - pja tools and gif encoder
pjaservlets.jar - pja servlets (including packages com.eteks.awt.servlet.* and com.eteks.servlet.*)

Now that the PJA servlets were separated from the core files, I could place the new pja.jar to the bootclasspath, and place pjatools.jar and pjaservlets.jar along with my servlet that extends PJAServlet to the system classpath. WAS V5.0 already has j2ee.jar in the system classpath. Setup for other properties is the same as documented in the PJA FAQ.

Hope that this information may help others who might have experienced the same issues with PJA in WAS V5.0 or other similar application servers.


Location : argentina
Member since : Jul 15, 2003
Messages : 1
 Jul 15, 2003 at 5:21 PM
I'm developing a project that must set "awt.toolkit" to work. Everything runs ok in tomcat and jetty, but in WebSphere 4 doesnt work because Swing libs try to instantiate my toolkit classes from server classloader and dont see my EAR classes (my toolkit, graphics, image, eventqueue, etc). How can I tell websphere to load these classes from my ear? Can i do that?

My project Url is webonswing.sf.net


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