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Messages of subject Chinese character display on Nokia series 40 emulator/ actual device


Location : Philippines
Member since : Feb 2, 2004
Messages : 1
 Feb 2, 2004 at 10:40 AM
I'm having problems in displaying chinese characters for the Nokia emulator. I am using Nokia_3300_SDK_beta_05 as my emulator.

public AnXaMLReader(String url) throws IOException {
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(url);
istream = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF8");
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int ch;
while ((ch = istream.read()) > -1) {
content = buf.toString();

The thing is, I have to save my text file in ANSI format. Saving it this way will show the correct chinese characters on the emulator. BUT! in between 2 chinese characters, there are 2 BOXES!!!! How can I get rid of these?!?!?!

One more thing, when I install it on an actual phone unit, instead of showing chinese characters, I only got boxes! 2 boxes to represent 1 chinese character!

Please help! Thanks!


Location : Paris / France
Member since : Apr 29, 2003
Messages : 394
 Feb 3, 2004 at 6:20 PM
I don't really understand why you posted your message in this forum...
Does this emulator use PJA Toolkit ???
Manu (moderator/modérateur)

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