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Messages of subject PJA Deployment on WebSphere using jdk1.3.1 on HP (Steps)


Member since : Jul 7, 2004
Messages : 3
 Jul 7, 2004 at 9:09 PM
I want to share the deployment process of PJA on WebSphere.
1.Add pja.jar file in bootclasspath
a, Goto Admin Console of WebSphere
b, b,Click on the servers node => click on the Application Servers=><serverName>
c, Goto Additional Properties tab and click on the link Process Defination ,click on Java Virtual Machine
d,n Boot Classpath add the the pjar.jar (/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/pja.jar) I have copied the jar file to that directory
f,Goto Additional properties tab and click on the link Custom properties
g,Enter following key value pairs
awt.toolkit = com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit
These params will intialized at the java run time , whenever the application is started.

2. Associating Fonts , Go to windows machine C:\windows\Fonts. Tar the whole directory , ftped to machine. and extracted all the fonts in /IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/fonts/ , These are all the possible combination fonts used by java.awt.fonts .

Server Crash Issue
Any intialization of java.awt.Toolkit... looks for default font directory with some predefined fonts. if not found eventually crashes the App Server.
This will happen if settings are not made properly.


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