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Messages of subject Websphere 5 launcher


Location : Paris/France
Member since : Jul 22, 2004
Messages : 2
 Jul 22, 2004 at 3:02 PM
I try to add a property file into StartServer.bat
commands lines are :
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java .......%JAVA_OPTS%

All is OK but websphere launch a second process java and i lose my configuration
i have try to had my properties with the admin console on "Name Space Bindings"
but the system don't find them.

anyone can help me please

thanks in advanced


Member since : Jul 20, 2004
Messages : 2
 Jul 22, 2004 at 3:59 PM
> I try to add a property file into StartServer.bat
> commands lines are :
> JAVA_OPTS=-Dapplication.property.file=%WAS_HOME%\application.properties
> %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java .......%JAVA_OPTS%
> All is OK but websphere launch a second process java and i lose my configuration
> i have try to had my properties with the admin console on "Name Space Bindings"
> but the system don't find them.
> anyone can help me please
Why don't you configure your servers within the admin-console to take the options needed by pja? Simply go to your Servers processDefinition->JVM-properties and add the suggested properties.

That did the job for me ;-)



Location : Paris/France
Member since : Jul 22, 2004
Messages : 2
 Jul 22, 2004 at 5:24 PM
Thank you for your very fast answer.

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