Member since : Feb 16, 2005
Messages : 1
Feb 16, 2005 at 6:15 PM
Hi all,
I'm new with PJA, and I'm trying to generate a PDF file from Weblogic,
It works well with Windows, but it doen't work with Unix,
I just get the error "Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0'"
I start the Weblogic server with the parameters:
and I have the following code in my application:
Properties prop = System.getProperties ();
prop.put ("awt.toolkit", "com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit");
prop.put ("java.awt.graphicsenv", "com.eteks.java2d.PJAGraphicsEnvironment");
System.setProperties (prop);
but it still doesn't work !
does anyone know why ?
Thanks in advanced!