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Messages of subject Problems with fonts


Member since : Dec 29, 2005
Messages : 2
 Dec 29, 2005 at 9:57 PM
I Altered ToolKitDemo.java a little to run as a class in a web application

The application is running on Websphere on Z/OS

All of the graphics are rendered correctly except Fonts - here I get nothing

I have set the following System properties:

awt.toolkit = com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit
java.awt.graphicsenv = com.eteks.java2d.PJAGraphicsEnvironment
java2d.font.usePlatformFont = false
java.awt.fonts = /java/J1.3/IBM/J1.3/lib/fonts
user.home = /was/appsdev/resources/miar/pja_2.5

The following is the Classpath

Class path :


And filnally the Boot class path:


A debug statement added to the code yields the following:

Font metrics = sun.awt.font.FontDesignMetrics[font=java.awt.Font[family=sansserif,name=,style=bold,size=12]ascent=0, descent=0, height=0]

Please note the last three parameters

Does anybody have a suggestion? I've tried just about every combination of user.home and java.awt.fonts that there is.


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