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Messages of subject Toolkit not found: com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit (JDK 1.4.2_07)


Location : Australia
Member since : Feb 28, 2006
Messages : 1
 Feb 28, 2006 at 1:41 PM
I have recently migrated from JDK 1.3.1_12 to JDK 1.4.2_07.

I noticed that I suddenly get the error "Toolkit not found: com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit" on JDK 1.4.2_07.

This works perfectly fine when the app is on JDK 1.3.1_12.
I don't know how to fix this error. Can you please help?

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import Acme.JPM.Encoders.*;

class PcxReaderV02
/* This is the main-class of the PcxReader. It reads the PCX-Data
* from a stream and converts it into an Image-Class.

public static final int NORMAL = 1;
public static final int RLE = 2;

public static Image loadImage(InputStream in)
System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true");
System.setProperty ("awt.toolkit", "com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit");
int pcxheight, pcxwidth;
Image picture = null;

int manufacturer;
int version;
int encoding;
int bits_per_pixel;
int xmin,ymin;
int xmax,ymax;
int hres;
int vres;
byte[] palette16 = new byte[48];
int reserved;
int color_planes;
int bytes_per_line;
int palette_type;
byte[] filler = new byte[58];

int imagebytes;
/* In the beginning the Image-Data is read as in the PCX-
* specification.
manufacturer = in.read();
version = in.read();
encoding = in.read();
bits_per_pixel = in.read();

xmin = in.read()+in.read()*256;
ymin = in.read()+in.read()*256;
xmax = in.read()+in.read()*256;
ymax = in.read()+in.read()*256;
hres = in.read()+in.read()*256;
vres = in.read()+in.read()*256;
reserved = in.read();
color_planes = in.read();
bytes_per_line = in.read()+in.read()*256;
palette_type = (short)(in.read()+in.read()*256);

pcxwidth = 1+xmax-xmin;
pcxheight = 1+ymax-ymin;
if(pcxwidth % 2 == 1)
/* The width of an PCX-Image must be even. That is why the
* width is increased when it was odd before.

if(bits_per_pixel == 8 && color_planes == 1)
/* If the PCX-file has 256 colors there is a color-palete
* at the end of the file. This is 768b bytes long and
* contains the red- green- and blue-values of the colors.
byte[] pal = new byte[768];
int[] intPal = new int[768];

imagebytes = (pcxwidth*pcxheight);
int[] imageData = new int[imagebytes];

readRLECompressedData(imagebytes, imageData, in);

if(in.available() > 769)
while(in.available() > 769)

if(in.available() != 769)
System.out.println("Error in the palette!");
System.out.println("Error in the palette!");

for(int y = 0; y <767;y++)
intPal[y] = (int)(pal[y]);
if(intPal[y] < 0)
intPal[y] += 256;

/* Now the PcxReader converts the imagedata into the format
* of a MemoryImageSource.

int RGBImageData[] = new int[imagebytes];
for(int i = 0; i < imagebytes; i++)
int paletteEntry = (int)(imageData[i]);
if(paletteEntry < 0) paletteEntry += 256;
RGBImageData[i] = new Color(intPal[paletteEntry*3],
ImageProducer prod = new MemoryImageSource(pcxwidth, pcxheight, RGBImageData, 0, pcxwidth);
picture = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(prod);

else if(bits_per_pixel == 8 && color_planes == 3)
/* If the picture has 24 bit colors, there are 3 times many
* bytes as many pixels.

imagebytes = (pcxwidth*pcxheight*3);
int[] imageData = new int[imagebytes];
readRLECompressedData(imagebytes, imageData, in);

int RGBImageData[] = new int[imagebytes];
for(int i = 0; i < pcxheight; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < pcxwidth; j++)
int red = imageData[i*3*pcxwidth+j];
int green = imageData[((i*3)+1)*pcxwidth+j];
int blue = imageData[((i*3)+2)*pcxwidth+j];
RGBImageData[i*pcxwidth+j] = new Color(red,green,blue).getRGB();

ImageProducer prod = new MemoryImageSource(pcxwidth, pcxheight, RGBImageData, 0, pcxwidth);
picture = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(prod);

else if (bits_per_pixel == 1 && color_planes == 1)
/* This is a new feature in Version 1.1 (May 2003)
* Now the PCX Reader is also able to read b&w images.
imagebytes = (bytes_per_line*pcxheight);
int[] imageData = new int[imagebytes];
readRLECompressedData(imagebytes, imageData, in);

int RGBImageData[] = new int[pcxwidth*pcxheight];
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < imagebytes; i++)
int k = 128;
while( k > 0 )
if( (imageData[i] & k) == 0 )
RGBImageData[ (pcxwidth*height)+width ] = new Color(0,0,0).getRGB();
RGBImageData[ (pcxwidth*height)+width ] = new Color(255,255,255).getRGB();
k = (int) k / 2;
if(++width == pcxwidth)
k = 0;
width = 0;

/* PCX lines must terminate on bit 16
* Only whole bytes can be read
if(i % 2 == 0)

ImageProducer prod = new MemoryImageSource(pcxwidth, pcxheight, RGBImageData, 0, pcxwidth);
picture = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(prod);
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Error reading PCX-File!");

return picture;

private static void readRLECompressedData(int imagebytes, int[] imageData, InputStream in)
throws IOException
/* This method reads the compressed data-stream and decompresses
* it in the memory.

int i;
int mode=NORMAL,nbytes=0;
int abyte = 0;

for(i = 0; i<imagebytes;i++)
if (mode == NORMAL)
abyte = in.read();
if(abyte > 191)
abyte =(byte)(in.read());
if (--nbytes > 0)
mode = RLE;
else if(--nbytes == 0)
mode = NORMAL;

imageData[i] = (int)(abyte);
if(imageData[i] < 0) imageData[i] += 256;


Member since : Mar 10, 2006
Messages : 1
 Mar 10, 2006 at 11:52 PM
Have you tried putting the toolkit in the bootclasspath?

I'm working on my own toolkit and it seems that it has to be in the bootclasspath to be found.
Looking at the code this appears to be caused by how awt.Toolkit is using its own classloader (the systemclassloader) to find the platform Toolkit.

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