Member since : Jul 10, 2006
Messages : 1
Jul 11, 2006 at 1:47 AM
We are also trying to get the PJA 2.5 on a Websphere, with RedHat Linux. We need it to get the JCaptcha working, for Security issues we don't have the Server X active.
We had followed all the instructions, the generated the images succesfully. We set on the administrative Console, on the JVM settings, the properties java.awt.headless, java.awt.fonts, awt.toolkit, java.awt.graphicsenv, java2d.font.usePlatformFont and user.home, when we ask on the jsp the following System.out, we get the same configuration of the PJAToolkitDemo1.2
System.out.println("fonts del sistema:\t"+ System.getProperty("java.awt.fonts") + "\nawt.headless:\t" + System.getProperty("java.awt.headless") + "\nawt.toolkit:\t" + System.getProperty("awt.toolkit") + "\njava.awt.graphicsenv\t" + System.getProperty("java.awt.graphicsenv") + "\nusePlatform\t" + System.getProperty("java2d.font.usePlatformFont", "false") + "\nuser.home\t" + System.getProperty("user.home"));
But when we try to generate a text with JCaptcha on this application, when we try
java.util.List defaultFonts = initializeFonts(GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAllFonts());
we get a nullPointerException. We asked on JCaptcha forums, but they suggested that it was a misconfiguration of the PJA, can someone help us?
Thanks in advanced
roymon tecutli