Package com.eteks.parser

Interface Summary
ExpressionParameter Parameters supported in parsed expressions.
Function Interface of functions defined by user.
Interpreter Runtime interpreter.
Syntax Syntax used by parsers.

Class Summary
AbstractSyntax Class that helps to define the constants, operators, functions and other required elements of a class implementing the Syntax interface.
CalculatorParser Parser able to compute constant expressions operating unary and binary operators and common functions on numbers.
CompiledExpression Compiled expression using parameters and able to compute its value with an interpreter.
CompiledFunction Compiled functions with a fixed number of parameters and able to compute its value with an interpreter.
DefaultSyntax Default syntax used by parsers for functions and expressions.
DoubleInterpreter Runtime interpreter operating on Double objects.
ExpressionParser Parser able to compile expressions with parameters of the form = expression operating on parameters.
FunctionParser Parser able to compile functions with parameters of the form function (list of parameters) = expression operating on parameters.
JavaSyntax Syntax used by parsers for functions and expressions written in Java.
MathMLInterpreter Runtime interpreter that outputs a MathML 2.0 string.
Parser Abstract super class of parser collecting usefull methods for parsers.
PascalSyntax Syntax used by parsers for functions and expressions written in PASCAL.
WrapperInterpreter Runtime interpreter operating on instances of wrapping classes.

Exception Summary
CompilationException Exception thrown during the parsing of functions and expressions.

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